Where exactly is GECU located?
We’re located in downtown La Crosse — across from City Hall, right next to the Southside Oktoberfest Grounds.
What hours can I do business at GECU?
See our location and hours details here. Plus, GECU members can conveniently bank for free, 24/7 with our digital banking services (though we always love to see you in the branch!).
What is my routing/transit number?
The routing/transit number is the same for all accounts at the credit union: 291881083.
Who do I contact if my Visa® credit card or Visa debit card is lost or stolen?
If you believe your card has been lost or stolen, please report it immediately.
For lost or stolen Visa credit cards please call 1-800-322-8472.
For lost or stolen Visa debit cards please call GECU during normal business hours (Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm). After normal business hours please call SHAZAM at 1-800-383-8000.
Who do I contact to report fraudulent activity on my Visa credit card or Visa debit card?
During normal business hours, call GECU for any fraudulent activity on both your credit and debit card(s).
For fraud on your Visa credit card after normal business hours, call 1-800-322-8472. Contact SHAZAM at 1-866-508-2693 after normal business hours to report any fraudulent activity on your Visa debit card.
How is GECU different from a bank?
To begin with, we’re a truly local credit union that’s been serving the La Crosse area since 1932 — so we are deeply rooted in our community. Credit unions are non-profits and are owned by members, while banks are publicly-held corporations. At GECU, as with any credit union, the money made from loan interests is distributed among its members as dividends. By banking with us, you’re investing in the La Crosse community.
How do I become a member of GECU?
The first step to joining is to open a Share Savings Account. It’s a $5.00 minimum opening deposit, which is your share in the credit union. It provides you with all the privileges of membership — including voting for your Board of Directors and enjoying a variety of services available only to members.
Who can join GECU?
Any person working or residing in La Crosse County, any government employee, and relatives of current members.
Your ATM is not in a convenient location for me. Are there other ATMs I can use without being charged a fee?
Absolutely! GECU members enjoy access to over 30,000 surcharge-free ATMs, including free ATM access at any Kwik Trip location. See details and locate a free ATM.
Are my credit union deposits federally insured?
Yes. The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) federally insures each GECU account up to $250,000.
How do I apply for a loan?
You can quickly and easily apply online, over the phone or at the branch. If you want to apply in person, you can download a loan application on our online forms page.